
In the contemporary society, and most of all in the West culture, love and sex tend to be concepts that many intend are always connected. But is hasn’t always been that way.

Likewise, there are many examples of those that hypocritically defend that “obligation” but are far to comply with it.

The truth is, for many, to love and be loved and have a solid and steady relationship with someone doesn’t have to mean no to desire someone else, and assume it, even though that desire is (and most of the times tend to be) a merely sexual one. It is essential to remind that, in its origins, the human being was even polygamous, and that the toady’s prevailing monogamy arises form an imposition – rarely called in question – by a society’s model founded, or strongly influenced, by Judaeo-Christian roots, that became the rule as time went by.

Even though it isn’t easy to establish the real origins of swing, or even the way today it is mostly practiced and known, it’s undisputed that group sex practices have always existed in the society. Nowadays, swingers are not polygamous in their essence, that meaning they not necessary get in love with other persons that not their consorts.

Because of that, swing turns to be the practice of “social sex”, usually between couples, even though it can assume different variants accordingly to each own fantasies and preferences. Most common situation is, in an early stage, the couple that intend to enrich and enlarge its sexual life, begin to look for a man or a woman that join them, thereby composing a “trio” – a practice that many define as swing, but that is, above all, a “ménage à trois”. In the same way, there also those that, in a swinger relationship, stick only to the preliminary and caresses, each one ending up with its usual partner when it comes to penetration.

Regardless the definition that we may want to append them, it is unequivocal that all forms of swing must be accepted for those who intend to assume themselves as swingers and liberals, once there not more than the result of the fantasies that each couple want to fulfil. And those, as long as they always respect individual freedom of all of those involved, are totally legitimate.


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  • Bar:Yes
  • Speaks language: English, Portuguese
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  • Club Features: Cinema, Dark Room, Strip Bar, TV/Big screen

March, 2025




August 26,2019

  • Tuesday
  • 9:00am - 10:00am
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