
What happens in a swinger club?

Couples and singles meet in swinger clubs to get to know other, like-minded people. The really most important basic prerequisite is a positive attitude to the topic of swinging and the associated pronounced sociability.

In the bar and/or bistro area, it is easiest to get to know someone and explore whether you could fit together. If you want, you can go together to one of the playgrounds, either “alone or as a couple”, or with other couples, ladies and/or gentlemen. But many people just like to watch others, stay in the bar area, or go to the sauna… – the possibilities are manifold and depend on the individual preferences of the visitors, according to the top swinger requirement “Everything can, but nothing must…”

Contrary to the coverage on private television, not all people in a swinger club look like models, nor do they all immediately fall on top of each other. Everyone can and should move according to their own rhythm and preferences. The audience is usually very mixed, you meet people of all ages and social classes. Everyone is with everyone “per you” and no one has to reveal more about themselves than they want.


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Additional Details

  • Bar:Yes
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  • Speaks language: German
  • Club Features: Gang Bang Bed, Group Room, Swing

March, 2025




August 26,2019

  • Tuesday
  • 9:00am - 10:00am
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